26, 2008
some great news to share with you from both California
and Texas.
1634 has passed out of the Senate Local Government Committee
and is on track for a full vote in the Senate.
Senate Local Government Committee, chaired by Senator Gloria
Negrete McLeod, worked with AB 1634 author Assembly Member
Lloyd Levine to craft an amended bill that was acceptable
to a majority of the Committee members. The updated text
of AB 1634 provides the ability for animal control officers
to cite owners for having an unaltered cat or dog, if the
animal is the subject of a complaint or an impound.
discussions with the Senators on the Committee made it clear
that they already understood the broad, statewide support
for the bill. We were asked not to overwhelm the Committee
with phone calls, faxes and emails, or to bring a large
number of people to the hearing. We honored their request,
the Senators were appreciative and we thank the Committee
for their "Aye" votes.
stay tuned for the next step for AB 1634 as it moves to
the Senate floor. We'll keep you posted as dates become
available and when to start lobbying your Senators.
has passed a broad new law that requires dogs and cats in
the city be spayed or neutered, unless they are used for
legal breeding or law enforcement. In doing so, Dallas joins
Los Angeles and other cities across the country who are
paving the way to a better future for our pets.
to the Dallas Morning News, "Dallas Animal Shelter Commission
Chairman Skip Trimble insisted that the city must move now
to reduce the stray and feral animal population. 'It can
only be done through sterilization,' he said. 'If we can't
control the flow of water, we'll never stop mopping the
floor.' The ordinance passed by an astounding 10-3 vote,
and "the majority of council members hailed the changes
to the animal ordinance as an important step toward reducing
the tens of thousands of stray animals roaming city streets,
and improving quality of life for pets."
to Rebecca, Liz and all the animal loving volunteers who
worked so hard in Dallas to make this incredible day a reality.
can read more about the Dallas victory for pets here,
or watch
a video on the new ordinance here.
has taken countless hours of work by a large team of volunteers
and donors to keep AB 1634 moving forward and I thank each
and every one of you.
Judie Mancuso
Sponsor / Campaign Director
AB 1634
www.CAHealthyPets.com |

3, 2008
June 3, is a historic day for pets in California.
Santa Clara County has voted on a resolution to
support AB 1634, California Healthy Pets Act.
an Orange County Grand Jury has released a report recommending
that all Orange County cities adopt mandatory spay
and neuter ordinances similar to the Los Angeles
Clara County Votes YES on AB 1634 Resolution
Clara County today became the first county
in California to take a position on AB 1634, as the County
Board of Supervisors voted YES to a resolution of support
for the bill. The animals in California owe a debt of gratitude
to Supervisors McHugh, Alvarado and Yeager, who made this
important milestone a reality. Please
thank the Supervisors here.
doing so, Santa Clara County joined scores of other cities,
organizations and elected officials who are publicly
endorsing AB 1634, the common-sense solution to our pet
overpopulation crisis. A large group of AB 1634 supporters
and shelter workers traveled to Santa Clara to testify in
favor of the bill, and the packed room erupted in cheers
when the vote was taken. Thank you to everyone who contacted the
Supervisors and came to Santa Clara. Congratulations!
press release on the vote is here.
Grand Jury Recommends All Cities in Orange County Adopt
Mandatory Spay and Neuter Laws
an important new development, a Grand Jury
Report released Tuesday recommends that all
Orange County cities should adopt mandatory spay and neuter
ordinances to address the animal overpopulation
problem and decrease the number of animals euthanized at
shelters. Orange County is just the latest in a string
of communities who are coming to the conclusion that spay
and neuter laws are the best solution to save taxpayer money
and reduce the number of animals flowing into their shelters.
report is here.
AB 1634 Billboard Campaign Launches
new California Healthy Pets Act billboard campaign
has launched, with billboards going up across the state
to help educate legislators and the public on the merits
of spay and neuter laws. Several designs are used in the
campaign and they are already generating a lot of "buzz"
around Sacramento, where the billboards direct viewers to
visit www.spaythem.com.
Thanks to our generous donors who made this campaign
for caring. Together, we truly will make life better for
Californians and our furry companions.
With deepest appreciation
for all your support,
Judie Mancuso
Sponsor / Campaign Director
AB 1634 California Healthy Pets Act

May 30, 2008
hard to express just how important this email may be...
a very important milestone for pets in California is approaching
and you can help!
Clara Board of Supervisors to Vote on AB 1634 Resolution Coming
Up Tuesday June 3rd at 9:30am - Please Join Us or Call
you may know, cities and organizations across California
have voted "YES!" on resolutions to support AB 1634,
the bill that will save hundreds of thousands of pets and
millions of taxpayer dollars. Mayors, Supervisors and City
Council members are smart, compassionate people, and the
common-sense approach of AB 1634 appeals
to them.
The Santa Clara Board of Supervisors
is poised to join these hundreds of other elected
officials by adopting a resolution of support for AB
1634 on Tuesday, June 3rd. But this vote is
different than the others in one important way...
the breeder groups opposing progress for our pets have decided
that this is a big chance to try to make a public statement
against spay & neuter before AB 1634 is heard in the
Senate. They are sending out mass emails across
California, trying to affect the vote in Santa Clara.
If you would like to join the
responsible and caring animal lovers in Santa Clara
to get their resolution passed, here's what you can do.
1) Join us in Santa Clara on Tuesday, June 3rd
and speak out in favor of universal spay and neuter. The
Board of Supervisors meets at:
West Hedding Street
San Jose, CA 95110
Board Chambers, 1st floor
meeting starts at 9:30, in order to make your voice heard
please arrive at 9am and fill out a speaker's card
for Item 28a. There will be a large group of proponents
for AB 1634 and I sincerely hope you
will join us!
2) Contact the Supervisors. It's incredibly
moving for the Supervisors to see so many pet lovers standing
up to protect animals in person, so again, please join us
if you can. But if you can't come in person (or, even if
you can!) please contact the Supervisors and politely let
them know that AB 1634 represents the best hope in a generation
to save hundreds of thousands of pets from euthanasia each
Donald F. Gage - District 1
Tel: (408) 299-5010
Fax: (408) 295-6993
Supervisor Blanca Alvarado - District 2
Tel: (408) 299-5020
Fax: (408) 295-8642
Supervisor Pete McHugh - District 3
Tel: (408) 299-5030
Fax: (408) 298-6637
Supervisor Ken Yeager - District 4
Tel: (408) 299-5040
Fax: (408) 299-2038
Supervisor Liz Kniss - District 5
Tel: (408)-299-5050
Fax: (408) 280-0418
please forward this important information to others.
Last Word
am a volunteer, and so are the hundreds of pet lovers working
to help pass AB 1634. We don't stand to
gain anything except a better future for our cats and dogs.
The needless suffering from pet overpopulation must begin
to be brought to end in our great state, we must stand
together to make this happen.
But there are those in California who see pets in a different
light, and we must stand and protect our voiceless friends.
Please join us in Santa Clara on Tuesday, June 3rd, I look
forward to seeing you there!
for caring. Together, we truly will make life better for
Californians and our furry companions.
Sponsor / Campaign Director
AB 1634 California Healthy Pets Act
www.CAHealthyPets.com |

May 19, 2008
are some updates I would like to share with you.
anti-pet initiatives fail to qualify for state ballot
a demonstration of how strong support for AB 1634 is, and
how the opposition to the bill comes primarily from noisy
animal exploiters who feel any protection for animals is
a threat to their profits, all of the ballot
initiatives meant to stifle AB 1634 and progress
for California's pets have failed to qualify
for the ballot. This is wonderful news for the animals and
those of us dedicated to protecting them. The anti-pet forces
working in California simply could not find enough people
to collect signatures, or donors that would enable them
to further their self interests. An
article regarding the failed initiatives can be read here.
Jose comes to grips with their pet overpopulation crisis
a news report that is unfortunately being repeated across
our state, NBC11 has investigated the reality at Bay Area
animal shelters, and found that "the future is grim for
hundreds of dogs and cats behind locked doors at the shelter".
The NBC story reports that "California euthanized 500,000
Cats and Dogs In 2007", and it's costing our state over
a billion dollars every four years
just to house and kill pets. The
report is available for viewing here. We'd like to thank
NBC for their thoughtful coverage of this sad crisis in
our state.
video area contains over 100 videos
exciting website news, the updated video area on www.CAHealthyPets.com
now contains over 100 video selections,
including supporters, celebrity interviews, AB 1634 commercials,
interviews with shelter workers and veterinarians, and national
news stories regarding AB 1634. The
new video area is available here.
for caring. Together, we truly will make life better for
Californians and our pets.
Judie Mancuso
Sponsor / Campaign Director
AB 1634 California Healthy Pets Act
www.CAHealthyPets.com |

3, 2008
spay and neuter is taking the country by storm!
this week we have seen several new communities around the
country start taking steps to curb the crushing pet overpopulation
problem by requiring that household pets be spayed and neutered.
Cities and counties around the United States, inspired by
the new law in Los Angeles and by the groundbreaking AB
1634 legislation, are taking steps to encourage
responsible pet ownership!
Houston, TX is now considering a universal
spay and neuter ordinance;
-- Chicago, IL this week announced they
are considering a new universal spay and neuter ordinance;
-- Palm Beach County, FL has recently passed
a universal spay and neuter law, reporting that universal
spay and neuter is "the best step the county can take to
cut down on the number of animals it must euthanize every
-- North Las Vegas has passed
a law mandating universal spay and neuter, with Clark County
now considering a similar ordinance;
-- Volusia County, FL city commissioners
are currently considering a universal spay and neuter ordinance;
-- And in Ohio pet lovers are now starting
a campaign for a statewide spay and neuter law.
is all happening because caring pet lovers (like you!) in
California are leading the way for our nation.
breeder claims puppies are "carefully bred" in a "loving
home", then gets busted for running a puppy mill
number of emails we are receiving from legal breeders who
support AB 1634 continues to grow, and the majority of law-abiding
breeders in California love their animals and treat them
like family. But unfortunately some people see
animals only as a profit center and actually make a
full time, tax free living by breeding
animals in poor conditions, claiming that the pets come
from a loving home, and selling them for top dollar
without reporting the income.
For example, this week CBS 2 exposed yet another case of
neglect... over 400 dogs in awful conditions, raised by
unscrupulous people who advertised that their puppies come
from a loving home. The
incredible news report can be seen here.
CBS 2 did a follow up story today, you
can see it here.
for caring. Together, we truly will make life better for
Californians and our pets.
Judie Mancuso
Sponsor / Campaign Director
AB 1634 California Healthy Pets Act

27, 2008
more time... Please help Santa Barbara County Pass Their
Spay/Neuter Law!

Santa Barbara County's Board of Supervisors is set to vote
on May 6th to consider a fair, balanced spay/neuter law.
But opponents of responsible pet ownership are sending out
mass emails with distortions about universal spay and neuter,
trying to convince people to bombard the Supervisors with
negative emails.
The Supervisors need to hear the truth:
that there is strong statewide support for this
law, and that Santa Barbara County's animal-friendly reputation
will be enhanced if this law is passed!
Here are some quick talking points:
Real animal lovers support laws that make
pet owners responsible for having their animals spayed or
-- Santa Barbara County's proposed ordinance is
fair and balanced, with a number of exemptions
-- Santa Cruz's example proves that these laws work
-- their shelter numbers were down 50% nine years after
their law passed!
-- Santa Barbara should join communities like Los Angeles,
L.A. County, Lake County, Santa Cruz, and San Bernardino
and pass a spay/neuter law!
send emails to the Supervisors:
Supervisor Joni Gray: jgray@co.santa-barbara.ca.us
2. Supervisor Janet Wolf: jwolf@sbcbos2.org
3. Supervisor Joe Centeno: jcenteno@co.santa-barbara.ca.us
4. Supervisor Brooks Firestone: bfirestone@co.santa-barbara.ca.us
5. Supervisor Salud Carbajal: scarbajal@sbcbos1.org
...and please thank Mr. Carbajal him for
sponsoring the law!
for caring. Together, we truly will make life better for
Californians and our pets.
Judie Mancuso
Sponsor / Campaign Director
AB 1634 California Healthy Pets Act

8, 2008
AB 1634, the bill to provide universal spay & neuter
for dogs and cats in California, continues the journey into
law in Sacramento. But local governments across California
are also passing local universal spay & neuter ordinances;
they are simply fed up with the high cost and moral tragedy
caused by massive pet overpopulation.
Santa Barbara County is set to soon follow in L.A.'s
footsteps by voting on their own universal spay / neuter
ordinance. As with AB 1634 and the L.A. ordinance,
Santa Barbara's law will save taxpayer money and save thousands
of healthy, adoptable pets.
pet owners across the state have already been contacting
the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors, thanking
them for considering this important law.
But, just as in Los Angeles and in Sacramento, underground
breeders are attempting to flood the Supervisors' offices
with phone calls and faxes, trying to create the false impression
that the general community is against helping our shelters
and our pets.
These underground breeders, who often call themselves "hobby"
or "amateur" breeders, are already
required by law to have a seller's permit and pay taxes
on their animal sales. Sadly, few do. And
they are afraid that the new Santa Barbara ordinance, like
AB 1634, will drag them into the light.
reality, universal spay & neuter is a proven
solution that lowers euthanasia rates, reduces
pet overpopulation and saves taxpayer money.
let the Supervisors know that the pets in Santa Barbara
deserve this new law just as much as the pets in Los Angeles.
Contact them here:
Joni Gray
Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors
Phone: (805) 737-7700 [no fax]
401 E. Cypress Ave
Lompoc CA 93436
Joe Centeno
Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors
511 E. Lakeside Parkway Suite 1414
Santa Maria CA 93455-1341
(805) 346-8400
Fax: (805) 346-8404
Brooks Firestone
Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors
105 E. Anapamu St.
Santa Barbara CA 93101
(805) 686-5095
Fax: (805) 686-8133
Janet Wolf
Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors
105 E. Anapamu St.
Santa Barbara CA 93101
Phone: (805) 568-2191
Fax: (805) 568-2283
Salud Carbajal
Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors
105 E. Anapamu St.
Santa Barbara CA 93101
(805) 568-2186
Fax: (805) 568-2534
please consider forwarding this email to other animal lovers.
This is an important time for the folks in Santa Barbara,
and they have specifically asked that AB 1634 supporters
across California contact the Santa Barbara Supervisors!
for caring. Together, we truly will make life better for
Californians and our pets.
Judie Mancuso
Sponsor / Campaign Director
AB 1634 California Healthy Pets Act

"The reason why so many dogs have to be put down is because
America isn't spaying and neutering their pets." - Oprah
6, 2008
have some big news to share with you, in case you missed
week's groundbreaking Oprah show exposing puppy mills and
the relationship of cruel breeders to pet stores has opened
up a new conversation across our state and country. E-mails
have been pouring into www.CAHealthyPets.com
from responsible pet owners, excited about the nationwide
exposure, and my phone is ringing off the hook with AB 1634
supporters invigorated by the program. Thank you,
Oprah, for focusing the country's attention on the tragedy
of massive pet overpopulation.
the incredible, heart wrenching expose, Bill Smith and Lisa
Ling visit Oprah and discuss hidden camera footage they
took of "high volume" breeders, also known as puppy mills.
These breeders can have hundreds of dogs, and often times
the breeding females live their entire lives in small
wire cages, never even walking on solid ground.
Pacelle, President and CEO of HSUS, is asked by Oprah if
it's true that "99% of the animals in pet stores come from
puppy mills". Wayne says "There's just no question about
it. No responsible pet owner is going to sell their animals
to a pet store." Virtually all dogs and cats in pet
stores come from puppy mills.
the show, Oprah urges viewers to bypass breeders
and instead adopt their pet from rescue groups or local
animal shelters. And, incredibly, the program actually
takes viewers inside a euthanasia room to see a dog euthanized,
just as over half a million healthy pets are killed in California's
shelters each year. She urges her viewers to have their
pets spayed & neutered, saying:
reason why there's so many dogs that have to go through
that euthanasia process every day is because we-the people
who are supposed to be with the thinking brain-are not using
our brains to do what is necessary to protect the animals."
in the show, Oprah's vet visits to explain the health benefits
of early spay & neuter. Here is the text, straight from
the show's website:
Shelly Rubin - who treats Oprah's dogs - says spaying or
neutering is one of the best things you can do for your
pet's health.
males, Dr. Rubin says neutering can change the dog's behavior
for the better. "There's no question that if you neuter
a male dog, you're going to do several things. One, you'll
reduce prostate cancer and testicular cancer," he says.
"Most important, you'll make that dog a really good house
pet because it won't be chasing after females in the neighborhood.
It listens to you when you speak to it, and it won't be
marking urine all over the neighborhood-and your house-in
many cases."
females, Dr. Rubin says it's best to spay them before first
heat. "If you spay them before their first heat, and this
is scientifically proven, you can reduce the incidence of
breast cancer when they're older by somewhere near 90 percent,"
he says. "So why wouldn't we want to spay and neuter our
Rubin says spaying and neutering are very simple procedures.
After a quick exam to make sure the animal is healthy enough
for surgery, it's given a sedative and anesthesia. The procedure
take about 10 to 15 minutes, and the animal can go home
that day. "While it costs some money to do it on a private
level, there are many, many free or low-cost spay and neuter
clinics all over the United States," he says. "That cannot
be an excuse for not spaying or neutering your pet."
Dr. Rubin explains that 6 months of age is "the
perfect time to be neutered". AB 1634 asks
that pets be spayed & neutered by 6 months of age, although
the procedure may be deferred if the owner's vet thinks
it is too early for a particular dog or cat.
groundbreaking episode of Oprah is probably the first time
that many people have learned about: the horrors of mass
breeding and pet stores, the benefits of spay & neuter,
and the scores of healthy, adoptable pets patiently waiting
for homes in rescues and shelters across our country. Please
thank Oprah for her incredible show. A brief
note is all that is required to ensure this issue will continue
to receive the spotlight it deserves in our media.
Click here to contact Oprah >>
for caring. Together, we truly will make life better for
Californians and our pets.
Sponsor / Campaign Director
AB 1634 California Healthy Pets Act
12, 2008
Dear Friends,
Two articles
published last week illustrate how vast and costly the pet
overpopulation is in California. The articles describe the
situation in Kern County, where euthanasia and shelter costs
continue to rise, and Orange County, where euthanasia and
shelter costs also continue to rise.
from both Counties, quoted in the articles, suggest that
this problem needs to be solved at a state level.
Article and Video from the Bakersfield Californian are here
As stated
in the article, Kern County is euthanizing over 2 out of
the 3 animals in its care, and the residents there are desperate
for change in their shelters.
Within days
of this article's publication, the Kern County supervisors,
saying "enough is enough," ordered study of a mandatory
spay-neuter rule Tuesday in light of rising animal euthanasia
a local reflection of the statewide situation, the opposition
to the Kern County rule comes from breeders and those profiting
from the use of animals. Janice Anderson, the commission
member quoted in the article as saying the universal spay/neuter
is not necessary in Kern County, has been a dog breeder
for over 30 years.
It is interesting
and telling that time after time, in local communities and
at the state level, the opposition is overwhelmingly
composed of people who use animals for profit. We
hope that the ultimate recommendation from the Kern County
Animal Control Commission to the Kern County supervisors
reflects the responsible pet owners fighting for a better
future in Kern County, and is not compromised by those
with a vested interest in keeping the status quo intact.
If the article
and the associated video compel you to thank the Kern County
supervisors for their inquiry into a universal spay-neuter
rule, please thank them and urge their support by emailing
them at the address below. As always, please be professional
and polite:
County Board of Supervisors:
And, if you wish to voice your support for universal spay/neuter
to the Animal Commission:
Kern County Animal Commission:
David Price, Commission Chairperson Michael Yraceburn, Commission
Members Janice Anderson, Laurie Weir, Dawn Watchus
Email address: animalcontrolcommission
@ co.kern.ca.us
Orange County
is also overdue for the proven benefits of universal spay/neuter,
as this article demonstrates. It points out that many improvements
made in Orange County, including a new "pro-life, pro-adoption"
stance at the shelter, have failed to stem the rising number
of euthanasias, or the rising cost.
The universal
spay/neuter movement embodied in AB 1634 continues to gain
support nationwide. Palm Beach County in Florida is on the
verge of enacting a spay/neuter ordinance similar to the
recent law passed in Los Angeles. According to a piece in
the South Florida Sun-Sentinel:
the reality of 4,000 dogs (and many more cats) being euthanized
each year in Palm Beach County alone, AKC breeders continue
to churn them out in search of a prize winner. Anyone who
disagrees with mandatory spaying and neutering should spend
one afternoon in the kill room of any of our county shelters."
You can read the South Florida Sun-Sentinel whole piece
here >>
to all the responsible pet owners and pet lovers who are helping
make positive changes in our state and across this country.
Sponsor / Campaign Director
AB 1634 California Healthy Pets Act
Feb 27, 2008
Dear Friends,
We did it! Mayor Villaraigosa signed into
law the largest universal spay/neuter ordinance in the country
yesterday morning. I am so proud of the compassionate, thoughtful
leadership of the Mayor and the L.A. City Council, and am
grateful to have worked with their staffs, L.A. Animal Services
and all the incredible volunteers who helped make this historic
event possible.
Some of the council members are former LAPD officers who
know how important this ordinance is to public safety, while
other members spoke of the ethical and fiscal aspects of
the new law. We will have the full signing ceremony video
up on our website hopefully within the week.
If you have a moment, please take the time to thank the
Mayor and the City Council for their work on behalf of animal
lovers and their pets. You
can contact them here.
Los Angeles is helping us prove that together, we can make
life better for Californians and our pets.
The official press release is below. Congratulations!
Judie Mancuso
Sponsor / Campaign Director
AB 1634 California Healthy Pets Act
City of Los Angeles
February 26, 2008
city law requiring all cats and dogs be spayed or neutered
will help control LA’s pet population and humanely
decrease the number of cats and dogs abandoned and euthanized
every year.
LOS ANGELES - Pledging to continue the efforts to reduce
pet euthanasia and control the City’s pet population,
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, joined by Los Angeles City Councilmembers
Richard Alarcón and Tony Cardenas, Los Angeles Department
of Animal Services General Manager Ed Boks, Animal Rights
Advocate Bob Barker, Humane Society of the United States
President Wayne Pacelle, PETCO Foundation President Paul
Jolly and local animal advocates, today signed the Spay/Neuter
Ordinance, a new law that requires all pet owners in the
City of Los Angeles to have their cats and dogs spayed or
"By requiring that all cats and dogs be spayed or
neutered, we can help to humanely decrease the number of
pets abandoned and euthanized each year," said Mayor
Villaraigosa. "This ordinance, which contains clear
guidelines and enforceable penalties, creates a valuable
tool to take this city another step closer toward eliminating
the unnecessary euthanasia of animals."
The Spay/Neuter Ordinance will require all pet owners in
the City of Los Angeles to have their cats and dogs (four
months of age and older) spayed or neutered, unless otherwise
exempted because the animal competes, serves as a rescue
or service animal, or unless the pet is a registered breeder.
Any person violating the spay/neuter law will be cited,
and could be subject to up to a $500 dollar fine or 40 hours
of community service.
“This spay and neuter will move Los Angeles towards
being the most humane city in America by educating pet owners
to be more responsible, making our streets safer, reducing
the number of animals killed each year in our shelters and
allowing us to more effectively use our resources,”
said Councilmember Alarcón. “The problem in
our city is not the animals but the human owners, and this
ordinance will allow the Department of Animal services to
target resources towards the worst offenders whose irresponsibility
threaten public safety and fills our shelters with unwanted
dogs and cats.”
new law, which aims to assist in humanely decreasing the
number of cats and dogs abandoned and euthanized every year,
also poses health benefits for the animals as well. Spaying
reduces the risk of certain types of cancers and infections
in females, especially if it is performed prior to the first
heat. Moreover, neutering lessens a dog's temptation to
roam, as well as to fight, as studies show that the majority
of dog bites are made by intact, untrained male dogs.
The signing of this ordinance comes on heels of Spay Day
USA 2008, an annual Humane Society of the United States
(HSUS) coordinated event, during which, thousands of volunteers
coast to coast host activities to educate and assist people
with getting their pets spayed or neutered.
“The Humane Society of the United States commends
the Los Angeles City Council for passing this commonsense
measure that will save animal lives and taxpayer dollars,”
said Wayne Pacelle, HSUS president and CEO. “Combined
with the availability of financial assistance for pet owners
in need, Los Angeles now has the tools in place for successfully
ending the euthanasia of healthy and treatable animals.”
“As with so many important accomplishments, this
Spay/Neuter law is not the end of the story, but rather
just the beginning,” said Mayor Villaraigosa. “We
will continue to lead the effort by getting our dogs and
cats spayed and neutered, licensed and permitted, and saving
more animals’ lives.”
The new Spay/Neuter law will take effect in April. |
Feb. 13, 2008
Los Angeles City Council Passes
Spay-Neuter Measure
By Nancy Moran
12 (Bloomberg) -- The Los Angeles City Council voted to
require sterilization of cats and dogs at four months of
age or older, aimed at reducing the number of stray animals
the city's shelters kill each year.
The ordinance, passed 14-1 today, is also meant to curb
illegal breeding, dog-fighting, and hoarders, said District
7 Councilman Richard Alarcón, the sponsor. Los Angeles
will become the largest municipality in the U.S. to adopt
such a requirement once Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa signs
the measure.
One of the ordinance's biggest supporters was retired game-
show host Bob Barker, who for 25 years concluded the ``Price
Is Right'' by urging viewers to spay or neuter their pets.
He's put about $35 million of his own money toward U.S.
programs that subsidize surgeries.
"Where would civilization be if we didn't have a few
things that are mandatory?" Barker said in a telephone
interview from Los Angeles last week.
Barker, who will be named by Alarcón to an advisory
committee to help with outreach, said the statute won't
be a burden on the elderly or poor residents because the
city offers about 11,000 vouchers for free surgeries a year
and an additional 20,000 in discounts.
"The problem in our city is not the animals but the
human owners, and this ordinance will allow the Department
of Animal Services to target resources toward the worst
offenders," Alarcón said before today's vote.
Opponents, including District 11 Councilman Bill Rosendahl
and members of Concerned Dog Owners of California, raised
a variety of questions, from the health effects of early
spay- neuter surgery to the infringement on personal property
rights. Rosendahl was today's lone "no" vote.
"We need to get more people responsible by getting
them within the map of registrations of the animals,"
Rosendahl said during a Feb. 1 hearing.
State Assemblyman Lloyd Levine, who introduced a similar
bill at the state level in 2007, attended the Feb. 1 hearing.
He said that California ends up killing more than 500,000
of the million animals its jurisdictions take in each year.
More than $300 million is spent on animal control services,
including disposal of animals that are put down.
"I find that a fiscal catastrophe and a moral crisis,"
he said at the hearing. His bill, AB 1634, made it through
the state Assembly and is pending before the Senate.
A Third Killed
More than a third of the 45,875 animals impounded at Los
Angeles shelters last year were killed.
"Thanks to the leadership of Councilman Alarcón,
the City of Los Angeles is taking a crucial step towards
increasing the practice of spaying and neutering our pets
and reducing our homeless pet population," Villaraigosa
said in a statement.
While it costs $135 to euthanize a cat and $195 a dog,
it costs $60 to $80 to spay or neuter them, according to
Los Angeles Animal Services General Manager Ed Boks.
"Despite the fact that we have achieved tremendous
success in reducing the killing in our shelters, the number
of intakes has remained relatively stable, making all our
efforts a bit like running on a treadmill," Boks said
in an e-mailed statement before today's vote.
The Animal Services Department's Web Site shows the city's
euthanasia rate declined to 33 percent last year from 56
percent in 2002, while the number of impounded animals averaged
49,400 in the five-year period. Los Angeles aims to be a
"no-kill" city by the year 2010, Boks said.
The bill has seven categories of exemptions, including
licensed breeders and show, guide and law-enforcement dogs.
Spaying and neutering surgeries may also be delayed for
medical reasons or due to age, with a veterinarian's letter.
"This is going to be a complaint-based system,"
Alarcón said. "If you manage your animal properly,
then it's not going to be a burden."
To contact the reporter on this story:
Nancy Moran in New York at nmoran@bloomberg.net.
Together, we can make life better
for Californians and our pets.
Sponsor / Campaign Director
AB 1634 California Healthy Pets Act
8, 2008
Dear Friends - It's Another Big
Win for Supporters of AB 1634
California Healthy Pets Coalition Helps Drive Passage of Los
Angeles City Spay/Neuter Ordinance
Using many of the same compelling arguments that
are convincing state legislators, the California Healthy Pets
Coalition has successfully helped pass a Los Angeles spay/neuter
ordinance similar to AB 1634. The L.A. City Council passed
the measure 10-1, making Los Angeles the largest city in America
with a universal spay/neuter policy.
Like our bill AB 1634, the city measure, sponsored by Councilman
Richard Alarcón, offers exemptions for animals belonging
to licensed breeders, show animals and service animals.
Exemptions are also provided for age and health reasons,
as attested to by the pet's veterinarian.
More than 100 California Healthy Pets Coalition supporters
filled the City Council chambers in Van Nuys for the debate
and vote on the ordinance, outnumbering opponents by more
than 5-to-1.
Councilman Tony Cardenas said, "The cost to euthanize
a cat or dog is $145 to $195, that's the estimate. We all
want to be a no kill city, this is the most humane way to
prevent the killing of animals. Tens of thousands of animals
are killed in this city. Assemblymember Lloyd Levine is
carrying this at a state level and just reminded us that
500,000 cats and dogs every year [are killed] that means
a million every two years. That is unconscionable."
Only Councilman Bill Rosendahl voted against the measure,
offering weak and tired arguments that have been thoroughly
debunked over years of debate about the benefits of spay/neuter
Barker, who has demonstrated his personal commitment by
donating millions of dollars for spay/neuter services, led
the parade of speakers in support of the ordinance. "Mandatory
spay/neuter is a necessity," Barker told the council.
"For decades, I closed every 'Price Is Right' urging
viewers to have their pets spayed. I'd like to think all
of us working together would be enough. But it's not enough.
We need legislation."
Barker was joined by Assemblymember Levine, who reminded
the council that half a million dogs and cats are euthanized
in California shelters each year, a number that would be
dramatically reduced with an effective statewide spay/neuter
law such as AB 1634.
The feeling in the room was perhaps best summed up by our
very own Elizabeth, an animal rescuer who serves as one
of the coalition leaders: "I would like my taxes to
be spent on something other than the housing and killing
of animals."
The L.A. City Council action is another big step along
the road to passage of AB 1634, which will be considered
by the State Senate later this spring. Compassion ruled
the day!
California Healthy Pets Coalition's
Campaign to Save 500,000 Pets Per Year Wins More Media Attention
Campaign for Passage of AB 1634 Featured on DogTime
"...California pet lovers prepare to do battle, again,
over a bill that calls for mandatory spaying and neutering.
At stake is nothing less than the lives of hundreds of thousands
of cats and dogs."
That's how a recent DogTime feature story begins. The story
traces the development of AB 1634, from animal rescue experiences
in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, to the
current battle for the bill's final passage in the California
You can read the whole DogTime story at http://dogtime.com/spay-neuter-bill-end-to-homeless-pets.html
Together, we can make life better for Californians and our
Sponsor / Campaign Director
AB 1634 California Healthy Pets Act
Jan. 29, 2008
On Friday, the Los Angeles City Council
will consider a common-sense, effective spay/neuter ordinance
- responsible pet owners need to be there and show support.
scheduled 10:00 a.m. hearing this Friday, February 1, on
the proposed Los Angeles city spay/neuter ordinance is critically
important. Responsible pet owners and those who truly care
about the welfare of animals must plan to attend - or make
their views known to the council members BEFORE the hearing.
Opponents - including irresponsible,
unlicensed and uncaring breeders - are already organizing
to kill the new law. They plan to flood
council offices with complaints about the proposal and pack
the council chambers, shutting out the voices of responsible
pet owners who support common-sense spay/neuter laws.
The proposed ordinance for Los Angeles - approved Monday
by the council's Public Safety Committee - would require
most dogs and cats in the city to be spayed or neutered
by four months of age. The ordinance includes exemptions
for show animals that have competed in at least one legitimate
show or sporting competition; dogs working or other title;
guide, signal or service dogs; dogs that are actively used
by law enforcement agencies; and animals with valid breeding
CBS News reports: "The proposed ordinance is intended
to reduce the number of animals in the city's shelters and
decrease the rate of euthanasia, which costs the city about
$2 million a year."
"This ordinance gives us the tools to end the insanity
and do something significantly different," said Ed
Boks, general manager of the Department of Animal Services.
"This law would help to end the cycle of frustration
we all face and feel every day and allow us to eventually
reallocate precious resources for increasing adoption, educating
the public on humane issues and fighting animal cruelty."
If you are a Los Angeles resident, please call the offices
of your council member on Wednesday
or Thursday.
On Friday, plan on attending
the council session at 10:00 a.m. - it appears there WILL
be a public hearing and comment period where we can voice
our support - either at the Van Nuys City Hall (14410 Sylvan
St., Van Nuys, at Van Nuys Blvd.), or in the City Council
Chambers at Los Angeles City Hall (200 North Spring St.,
Los Angeles).
Here is the council members'
contact information:
Alarcón - 213-473-7007
(Council Member Alarcón is the author of the bill,
so thank him profusely.)
Greuel - 213-473-7002
LaBonge - 213-473-7004
Weiss - 213-473-7005
Reyes - 213-473-7001
Zine - 213-473-7003
Cardenas - 213-473-7006
Parks - 213-473-7008
Perry - 213-473-7009
Wesson - 213-473-7010
Rosendahl - 213-473-7011
Garcetti - 213-473-7013
Huizar - 213-473-7014
Hahn - 213-473-7015
Smith - 213-473-7012
Go to www.lacity.org/council.htm
for info on ways to contact council members by e-mail.
As a responsible pet owner who truly cares about the welfare
of animals, PLEASE call your council member on WEDNESDAY
or THURSDAY and then attend the City Council hearing on
FRIDAY, February 1, at 10:00 a.m.
Together we can make life healthier and safer for
Californians and their pets.
Sponsor / Campaign Director
AB 1634 California Healthy Pets Act
24, 2008
After a Historic Victory
in the 2007 Assembly, the California Healthy Pets
Act Moves to the State Senate in 2008
Responsible pet owners, taxpayer advocates, law enforcement
professionals and others are intensifying their efforts
to pass AB 1634, the California Healthy Pets Act,
authored by Assemblyman Lloyd Levine.
AB 1634, the common-sense, humane and taxpayer-friendly
solution to California's massive pet overpopulation
problem, was passed by the State Assembly in 2007.
That legislative victory was an enormous win for pet
owners and taxpayers across the state.
The measure now moves to the Senate Local Government
The California Healthy Pets Coalition
and California Taxpayers for Safe and Healthy
Pets have been working tirelessly to make
sure Senators get the facts about the pet overpopulation
crisis and how AB 1634 can help solve the problem
while saving taxpayers millions of dollars annually.
AB 1634's Assembly victory, tens of thousands of Californians
have joined us in calling for the bill's passage,
and the coalition has been increasingly successful
in focusing media attention on this expensive and
heartbreaking problem.
Meanwhile, communities throughout California
and in other states have added to the drumbeat for
change by advocating responsible spay and neuter laws
that will help pets and shelter workers, as well as
Last month the southern Nevada city of North Las
Vegas, with 200,000 residents, became the first community
in that state to pass a law requiring residents to
spay or neuter their household pets. Clark County,
the largest county in Nevada, is also considering
spay and neuter legislation, after demands by law
enforcement that the county take strong action to
deal with pet overpopulation and the strain it puts
on police resources.
While our neighbors in Nevada take the lead on implementing
responsible spay and neuter policies, we can't let
California fall behind on this important issue. And
with AB 1634 now before the California State Senate,
YOU can join California's responsible pet owners,
humane and rescue organizations, taxpayer advocates,
law enforcement professionals, animal control agencies,
and veterinarians in urging the passage of the bill.
As one last news note, it seems incredible,
but the Sacramento Bee is reporting that the mortgage
and foreclosure crisis is creating a new wave of pet
abandonment across the country.
The Bee's January 19, 2008, story "Mortgage
crisis is hurting pets, too" says: "As
thousands of area families surrender to foreclosure
their dreams of owning homes, many are also leaving
their dogs and cats behind.
Area shelters are filled with animals surrendered
in recent months by people forced to move to apartments
or other places where their pets are unwelcome, and
managers are blaming the housing meltdown for the
surge." The Sacramento SPCA told reporter Cynthia
Hubert that they have seen a more than 100 percent
increase in dogs dropped at shelters by people who
said they are moving for financial reasons and could
no longer have pets. In Placer County, shelter officials
said that currently "at least 20 percent of dogs
and cats surrendered to the shelter came from people
who 'lost their homes or were having such extreme
financial difficulties' that they could no longer
afford to care for them..."
Just one more reason to pass AB 1634 and end the
strain on California's shelters. Together
we can make life healthier and safer for Californians
and their pets.
Sponsor / Campaign Director
AB 1634 California Healthy Pets Act
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